Ku-ring-gai High School

Harmony in Diversity

Telephone02 9144 3477


Ku-ring-gai High School House Championship


At our first school assembly for 2019 we introduced the Ku-ring-gai High School House Championship.

In 2019 the championship has been expanded. With more chances to participate and more chances to win!

Our House system acts as a link between the Year Groups, supporting our Talent Enrichment Program in the school, providing students with opportunities for working, competing and collaborating together. 

Encouraging a healthy sense of competition and recognising the contribution of all students for participation, sporting and academic achievements.

Points are accumulated by individual students, tallying towards a House total to determine the winners of the KHS Carnival Cup, KHS House Cup and ultimately the KHS House Championship.

Tagore, Lincoln, Churchill or Curie, who will win the coveted 2019 House Championship!?