28 Feb 2019

Ku-ring-gai High School is a community that values the individual worth and contribution of all its members. As a school, we are committed to developing a culture of creative thinking, so that all students are supported through challenging learning experiences to achieve their best.
The school offers a strong focus on academic achievement, a unique creative arts program, a comprehensive welfare structure, responsive student support programs and an extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities.
Students registering for entry into Year 7 2020 are eligible to apply for the Enrichment Stream. This opportunity supports the learning of students who have been identified as having specific gifts in certain areas.
Students interested in applying for this stream should sit the selection test at Ku-ring-gai High School on Saturday, 9 March 2020, from 9:00 - 11:30 am.
Visit: https://kuringgai-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/events/2019/3/gat-enrichment-class.saturday_09_march_2019.html to download an application form.