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Ku-ring-gai High School

Ku-ring-gai High School

Harmony in Diversity

Telephone02 9144 3477


Alumni in Focus: Kaya Weight

Big ballet break with The Royal New Zealand Ballet at just 17!


We were recently contacted by the parents of Ku-ring-gai High School Alumni Kaya Weight.

Kaya left Ku-ring-gai in 2015 to pursue her dream of becoming a professional ballerina. She began full-time ballet training at The Conlan College until 2017 when she was then invited to train on scholarship at Classical Ballet 121 with Gillian Revie, who was a principal artist with the Royal Ballet in the United Kingdom.

In 2018, Kaya traveled to seven different countries while completing long-distance education & competing in prestigious ballet competitions. She was also auditioning all over Europe and America to attend a Ballet finishing school with the hope to one day become a professional ballerina.

Recently, life took a sudden change and her dreams have come true! She has been fast-tracked after being seen at a competition and is now employed by The Royal New Zealand Ballet (RNZB).

"We appreciate all your support, inspirational words and encouragement to Kaya pursuing a career in the arts. Thank you for being a part of our daughter's education and a part of making her who she is."
- Angelina & David Weight

You can read more about Kaya's achievement at the following link:
