Ku-ring-gai High School

Harmony in Diversity

Telephone02 9144 3477


Learning Sphere Spotlight: Baseball Champion!

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Over the recent school holidays Matthew, Year 8, competed in the State Baseball Championships.

Matthew and his team went through the competition undefeated. And in the final, they won 9-0.

They are off to Nationals at the end of May in Victoria!

At Ku-ring-gai High School our mission is to promote harmony in diversity, which inspires and challenges students to strive for personal growth and take responsibility for creating a respectful and inclusive learning environment that values high expectations for all. The Learning Sphere of Ku-ring-gai High School includes students' contributions to the broader community and their role in being a positive ambassador of Ku-ring-gai High School.

We are very proud of Matthew's achievements and wish him and his team well for the nationals competition!