Ku-ring-gai High School

Harmony in Diversity

Telephone02 9144 3477


Financial contributions and assistance

There are some costs involved in attending school. Please contact our school for details about what your child may need so you can plan your budget.

Voluntary school contributions

Like all NSW public schools, we can request contributions to enhance our educational and sporting programs including elective subjects. School contributions help provide additional educational resources for the benefit of students. Payment is voluntary.

For more information, visit the Voluntary School Contribution policy.

Financial assistance

If you are unable to pay school contributions because of financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance from the school.

Our principal will ensure no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over the inability to pay school contributions.

Fees and contributions:

Fees and contributions are charged at the beginning of each year and vary from year to year. Click on the following link for a complete guide for more information 2024 School Contribution Letter

If you have any more questions about the school fee schedule please contact the School Administration Manager for more details.


All canteens in NSW public schools must meet certain requirements. These include providing more healthy food and drink options – to make the healthy choice an easy choice for students. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.

School canteen

The canteen is open every school day and staffed by managers. Our canteen has adopted the Department of Education's healthy canteen guidelines, and offers breakfasts and weekly specials, as well as a wide selection of healthy food options. 

Place all your school orders online with Flexischools.

We are excited to confirm the introduction of a new online ordering system called Flexischools.

Flexischools is a well-established organisation allowing you to easily place all your canteen orders online at any time.

Download the Flexischools app. 

Click the following link Flexischools Home page  for details on how to set up your account.

Once registered, you can start placing orders immediately. If you have any questions, please contact the Flexischools Customer Service Team on 1300 361 769, or you can contact them via their website.

We hope this step forward will support families with a more convenient and efficient process of placing canteen orders.