Over the past three days some of our Year 12 VET Entertainment Industry students have been completing work placement at Pulse Alive.
This performance was born out of a desire to provide an opportunity for NSW public school students to sing, dance, play, create and express themselves after the challenges of the last 2 years. Never has it been clearer that the arts play a crucial role in helping young people to connect and thrive.
It has been a big few days at Ken Rosewell Arena completing rehearsals before doors opened for the first time last night. Tonight, our students will help present the final show.
Our students work closely with the production team to help within audio, lighting, vision and staging, helping to bring the show together and reinforce their classroom learning.
Mr. Redshaw, VET Entertainment Teacher, is also at Pulse Alive as part of the production team.
Professional photos supplied by Anna Warr Photography.
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