21 Apr 2021

This week, Year 12 experienced their final school camp, which in fitting with the current climate, was delivered in a less conventional format.
On Monday, students took part in workshops facilitated by Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman.
The Tomorrow Man workshop aimed to disrupt the unhealthy traditional male stereotype, strengthen emotional muscle and reinvent a modern, flexible stereotype that resonates with the mainstream male.
Students were asked what the role of a man is and what emotions they are ‘allowed’ to display. Student responses included “don’t cry,” “don’t show emotion,” and be “physically and mentally tough,” amongst many others.
The ‘banter’ levels among the boys was high.
Students were shown mental health statistics and discussed how each had impacted them personally and the room fell silent.
Students challenged the status quo and spoke from the heart as they discussed and explored their own personal challenges. With many boys rising to the occasion to speak with gravity and hold space as each showed courage to speak openly.
Every student left the workshop with a new appreciation for, and a stronger bond with, their mates.
Breaking stereotypes and building relationships were key themes explored by Year 12 girls in the Tomorrow Woman workshop.
Students brainstormed and reflected upon the expectations and challenges facing young women, questioning why and how stereotypes and structural limitations still persist for women in contemporary society.
Through sharing both similar and different experiences as young women who strive for change, new and stronger relationships and respect were formed.
Students left the session feeling connected and supported and agreed to regularly check in with each other as they move through their final year of school.
On Wednesday, students took part in essential life skills workshops, including Car Maintenance, which taught our students how to change a tyre, how to check tyre pressure, checking oil and coolant levels and what to look out for when buying a second-hand car. They participated in sessions focused on Medicare, Tax and Voting, Stress Management and also heard talks from the NSW Police about safe driving, safe partying, and their digital footprint. Students were given an insight into the work of the NSW Police Force and were given the opportunity to ask many and varied questions.
The school service challenges saw our students presented with an opportunity to give back to the students, staff and teachers in our learning community. Our Year 12s cleared recycling from classrooms, cleaned whiteboards and replaced clock batteries whilst others ran handball and dodgeball tournaments for students in Year 7 to 11. Students wrote notes to spread cheer and distributed packets of seeds to plant happiness.
It was fantastic to see all of our Year 12 students smiling as they ran their initiatives and right throughout their final school camp. New friendships were formed. Existing friendships were strengthened. Lifelong memories were made.
COVID might have delayed our final wellbeing camp for the cohort of 2021, but this week we finally made it happen. It may have looked a little different, but the opportunities and experiences will no doubt remain with these students for years to come. We are so proud of the positive contributions they have all made to Ku-ring-gai High School.
See photos from our camp here.
Mr J.Redshaw, Year 12 Adviser