Ku-ring-gai High School

Harmony in Diversity

Telephone02 9144 3477


Helpful Forms

Please return the forms below to the School Office to ensure we have the most up-to-date information.

Files for download:

Other Forms

If you have moved address or changed contact details please complete this form and forward to the school.  Changed Student Detail Form (pdf 47 KB)

If you are planning to go on extended leave please read the Acknowledgment for leave (pdf 215 KB) form and complete the Leave Application (pdf 1028 KB) form.  Return the completed forms to the school 2 weeks prior to the leave date.

Locker Hire

Lockers are available for all students to use throughout the year. 

Please complete the digital contract to request a locker and complete payment using the payment portal or pay at school office. Lockers will only be issued to students when contract and payment is received.