26 Jan 2019

The final school weeks of 2018 were filled with
In Week 9 at our annual Presentation Day Assembly students from
The breadth of student achievement across all facets of school participation was clearly evident as awards were presented by Mr Andrew Stevenson, Director Educational Leadership, Mr Matthew Kean, Member for Hornsby, Cr Donna Greenfield, Ku-ring-gai Council, Mr David Arblaster, Principal, Turramurra High School, Mr Gordon Isles, P&C President, CPO Mark Ham, Australian Defence Force, Mrs Gailsusan Moore, Lions Club Hornsby, Mr Gary Keating, Rotary Club of Ku-ring-gai, Ms Leanne Marsh, Star Scientific, Ms Fiona Newcombe, Ku-ring-gai Christian Education Association and the executive body of Ku-ring-gai High School.
The assembly also included performances by our talented musicians including Andrew Liang, the Ku-ring-gai High School Concert Band
See the gallery of images here: