Ku-ring-gai High School

Harmony in Diversity

Telephone02 9144 3477


Bring your own device

Students in Years 7-12 are required to bring their own learning device to school each day. A laptop has been identified as the ideal learning tool for Ku-ring-gai High School students (KHS). The school computer laboratories will continue to be used to support whole class teaching and learning activities and specialist needs. Student devices will support student learning and will be required in addition to workbooks, pens and other essential equipment.

The school computing infrastructure operates as a Windows 10 environment running the Microsoft Office and Adobe products. This software is available free of charge to all Department of Education students to install on their own computing device.


Implementation process

For device details see the specification below. Students in years 7 and 8 who own a device other than a laptop (such as an iPad) may bring it if it has:

  • An external keyboard.
  • 5 gigahertz (GHz) internet capability (refer to device specifications below for further information).

All students will be expected to bring a suitable laptop for years 9 to 12 in order to meet the more demanding needs of the senior years.

Device specifications

All devices must be in the form of a laptop. It needs to have a physical keyboard with separate keys for A-Z and 0-9 and which physically move when depressed.

We make no recommendation on the supplier you choose but you need to ensure a device you purchase meets our specifications so that is connects to our network. 

For further information on the minimum device specifications, please download the Recommended device Specification 2024 . This document can be printed out and taken to any store to ensure that a device purchased meets the requirements.

BYOD agreement

Bring your own device at school means that each student adheres to an agreed set of conditions for use. Every student must have read the agreement. All students are required to bring their own computing device to school each day. 

Ku-ring-gai High School provides students with access to computers as a means of enhancing their education. Students are also able to use their own devices while at school for educational purposes. The attached agreement replaces any prior agreements for the use of computers and the Internet.

The school retains the right to control the manner in which computer resources are used. Students must understand the limitations the school imposes on their use of computer resources while at school. Students wishing to use computers while at school agree to abide by the guidelines.

By bringing a device to school, students and parents acknowledge the terms of the Ku-ring-gai electronic device use agreement which can be viewed by downloading the BYOD agreement.

Student Technology agreement:

Student use of electronic devices at Ku-ring-gai High School is at the discretion of the teacher. Students have responsibilities regarding the use of the device and the Internet. Failure to comply with the agreement (attached) will invoke the school's discipline procedures and action.

For more information regarding electronic device download the Technology agreement

Wireless connection instructions

There are many devices that students may bring to school. Please click on the following relevant information to assist in connecting to the school's wireless network. If a student is having trouble connecting after reading and following these instructions and having spoken to a friend who has a similar device, they can contact the technician at school during recess and lunch: