24 Sep 2020

Rachel and Madison are worthy winners of the 2019 Peter Markwick Poetry Cup and received their prizes last week in front of their Year 10 peers.
Students are asked in Term 4 each year to submit poetry written in Year 9, usually as part of their course work, on a given theme. The poetry is judged and rewarded in Year 10.
The theme for 2019 was to pen a message of hope or happiness in a turbulent world.
Rachel wrote about the joy and love that is engendered by the Sakura, or Japanese cherry blossom each year. Madison wrote about the love of a mother for her baby.
Both prizewinners demonstrated the effectiveness of simplicity and economy of language in creating powerful and emotive images.
All the other entrants will receive English Faculty merit awards.
The competition, formerly the Bill Eason Poetry Cup, has been run for many years at the school, sponsored by the competition patron and alumnus of Ku-ring-gai High School, the late-Mr Peter Markwick. His wife, Ms Cheryl Tait, a career educator herself, was keen to perpetuate the competition following the death of Mr Markwick and the competition will continue to run with her support and generosity.
Pictured: Mr Klein, Relieving Head Teacher English, with Rachel and Madison receiving their prizes.